Europe: the desert in small steps ...
Low precipitation, erosion, changes in agricultural practices or intensive farming, the Mediterranean countries are facing a process of desertification which leads to a degradation of croplands, pastures and forests and by a significant loss of biodiversity. At the same time, the threat of global warming and the telltale signs of drought to come, makes this situation even more worrisome. In southern Portugal, geographers project Desertlink "analyze for three consecutive years the level and the reasons for the degradation soils in the Alentejo region. They try to make appropriate responses to the diversity of situations. The current depletion of certain areas of crops, combined with the agricultural history of the country raises the issue of policy of intensive agriculture in Portugal over the last hundred years. Commissioned by Europe, I realized in September 2007 a 12-minute film on this challenge. (Excerpt from "Desert in Europe", )