Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Vegas Themed Announcments Sayings

Brain Academy

jeuxvideo.com Presentation:

Cerebrale Academie

Discovered nearly a year on Nintendo DS , Big Brain Academy is back in present in a Wii version to side with the family-style titles Wii Play or Wii Sports. Designed to excite the general public, the software aims to be a kind of program activities and logical thinking designed to measure the mass of your brain in a simple and fun.

Having got off on the DS support, the concept lends itself much less the format already home console, the software being of those we love leave time to attend regular five minutes. On Wii, Big Brain Academy could therefore rely mainly on the introduction of new gameplay ideas to differentiate themselves from the portable version, and yet this was not the intention of the developers. So we end up with a game that does not demonstrate any originality in handling used, the controls are summarized in targeting an answer and press the A button to confirm. Instead of seeking to exploit the peculiarities of the Wiimote in new ways, Big Brain Academy does nothing more than what was already possible on DS, which is particularly unfortunate that the designers have tried to propose yet only new exercises, just to convince the owners of the portable version to be tempted again.


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