09 Exercise 08 Exercise VICI
Section Bovet was launched Wednesday in the exercise VICI. The program, looking injured in smoky rooms with respiratory PA 4000 as well as research in the rubble.
Lieutenant Bovet begins by acknowledging the ground. It comes to dividing the various groups at its disposal the best, depending on the tasks assigned to it.
A group equips breathing PA 4000 to find victims in an area enfummée.
The position of victims is given in order to combat the platoon leader who takes on a note of the situation.
Meanwhile, another team the task of locating victims in collapsed buildings. We will carry that rescue Once the evacuation order of priority established in order to maximize the chances of survival of each.
The order of battle of the section chief of the rubble is a sketch showing the location of localized injuries and a description of their condition.
The various information and orders of the platoon leader are communicated by radio to the group leaders to guide their men.
Rescuers out victims from the rubble and apply emergency care if needed ...
... but in priority to evacuate wounded nest where the real first aid will be administered.
Once all of the rescued victims, rescuers undertake the withdrawal of their equipment, in order to start a mission as soon as possible.
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